[non-CE] Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy: Latest Research, Mechanisms, and Best Practices in Clinical Applications

Date: Friday, May 17, 2024
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. MST
Virtual, via Zoom

UCEBT is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. UCEBT maintains responsibility for this program and its content. This presentation is also pending approval for CE credit through NASW-UT, UAMFT, and UMHCA

To view this event for free, without CE credit, please return to the events page and register for the [non-CE] version of this title. 

Home-Study Option: If you want to receive asynchronous CE credit for this event, return to the events page and register for the free, [non-CE] version of this title. Then, make sure you sign up for our mailing list when you register. Within 2 weeks following the event, we'll email you the information for purchasing the home-study version of this presentation for only $30.

Note: Everyone who registers will be emailed the recording and presentation slides within one week following the event.

About the presentation:

Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy is an evidence-based treatment for treatment-resistant depression. It also has a growing research base evidencing its effectiveness with other mental health issues. The presenters will provide a summary of the latest research on KAP, including an understanding of its mechanism of action, routes of administration, best practices, diagnoses that have research support, and legal and ethical issues. The presentation will also provide guidance on appropriate clients for KAP and the use of KAP with diverse populations.

Attendees will be given resources for training and further information. There are no known risks to attendees or clients. As with all clinical interventions, attendees should be thoughtful about applying KAP skills without appropriate training and supervision.

Learning Statement:

At the conclusion of this presentation, attendees should be able to describe KAP, the manner in which ketamine affects the brain and body, and appropriate clients for KAP.

Learning Objectives: 

  • Attendees will be able to summarize the mechanism of action of ketamine.

  • Attendees will be able to list diagnoses with research support for the use of KAP.

  • Attendees will be able to outline the elements of KAP, including the different routes of administration.


Halstead, M., Reed, S., Krause, R. & Williams, M. (2021). Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy for PTSD related to racial discrimination. Clinical Case Studies, 20(4), 310-330. DOI: 10.1177/1534650121990894

Hess, E., Riggs, L., Michaelides, M., & Gould, T. (2022). Mechanisms of ketamine and its metabolites as antidepressants. Biochemical Pharmacology, 197:114892. doi: 10.1016/j.bcp.2021.114892

Wilkinson, S., Rhee, T., Joorman, J., et al. (2021). Cognitive behavioral therapy to sustain the antidepressant effects of ketamine in treatment-resistant depression: A randomized clinical trial. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 90(5):318-327. doi: 10.1159/000517074

About the presenters:

Shelle Welty, PsyD, has completed Integrative Psychiatry Institute’s 250-hour program in psychedelics, which included extensive didactic and experiential training in ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP). Dr. Welty specializes in the treatment of PTSD and complex trauma, offering KAP as part of a holistic approach to the treatment of complex trauma and mood disorders.

Tammy Clouston, LCSW is a board approved supervisor and has also completed Integrative Psychiatry Institute’s 250-hour program in psychedelics, which included extensive didactic and experiential training in ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP). Tammy specializes in the treatment of PTSD and complex trauma, group therapy, and suicide risk and prevention. Tammy uses KAP in her work with clients with complex trauma and mood disorders.

Program Notices:

Conflicts of Interest: None.

Commercial Support: None.

CE Credit: One hours of CE credit is available for attendees who are present for the entire program. We ask that all participants return the post-program evaluation form at the conclusion of the program. Shelle Welty, Psy.D., Tammy Clouston, LCSW, and UCEBT have not received any commercial support for this program or its contents and will not receive any commercial support prior to or during this program. For additional information or if accommodations are needed, please contact Jennifer at or (801) 419-0139.

Accuracy, Utility, and Risks Statement:

This presentation is an introduction to ketamine-assisted psychotherapy, intended to provide an overview of the elements of KAP. More comprehensive training should be undertaken prior to administering KAP.

If accommodations are needed, please contact Jennifer at or (801) 419-0139.

Event Information

Event Date 05-17-2024 10:00 am
Event End Date 05-17-2024 12:00 pm
Individual Price Free to attend without CEs