[CE] An Introduction to Parent-Child Interaction Therapy

Date: Friday, September 15, 2023
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. MST
Virtual, via Zoom
CEs: 1.0 CE

UCEBT is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. UCEBT maintains responsibility for this program and its content. This presentation is also pending approval for CE credit through NASW-UT, UAMFT, and UMHCA

To view this event for free, without CE credit, please return to the events page and register for the [non-CE] version of this title. 

Home-Study Option: If you want to receive asynchronous CE credit for this event, return to the events page and register for the free, [non-CE] version of this title. Then, make sure you sign up for our mailing list when you register. Within 2 weeks following the event, we'll email you the information for purchasing the home-study version of this presentation for only $15.

Note: Everyone who registers will be emailed the recording and presentation slides within one week following the event.

About the presentation:

Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) is an evidence-based treatment designed to decrease behavioral problems in young children; however, it also helps to increase positive interactions, pro-social behaviors, self-esteem, and attention span. This lecture will present an introduction to PCIT and the recent research on its effectiveness as a telehealth intervention. Dr. Gross will also present select behavioral skills from the first phase of PCIT that providers could take away as a tool in their work with children and parents.

Learning Statement:

At the conclusion of this presentation, attendees should be able to describe what PCIT is and who it is a fit for. They will also be able to name several benefits of PCIT. Participants will further learn how to find PCIT services and where to look for further training in PCIT.

Learning Objectives: 

  • List one tool of PCIT and how to apply it

  • Describe three cultural considerations for the use of PCIT

  • Name and describe the two phases of PCIT


Comer, J. S., Furr, J. M., Miguel, E., Cooper-Vince, C. E., Carpenter, A. L., Elkins, R. M., Kerns, C., Cornacchio, D., Chou, T., Coxe, S., DeSerisy, M., Sanchez, A.L, Golik, A., Martin, J., Myers, K., & Chase, R. (2017). Remotely delivering real-time parent training to the home: An initial randomized trial of Internet-delivered Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (I-PCIT). Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 85, 909-917.

Garcia D., Blizzard A. M., Peskin A., Rothenberg W. A., Schmidt E., Piscitello J., Espinosa N., Salem H., Rodriguez G. M., Sherman J. A., Parlade M. V., Landa A. L., Davis E. M., Weinstein A., Garcia A., Perez C., Rivera J. M., Martinez C., Jent J. F. (2021), Rapid, Full-Scale Change to Virtual PCIT During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Implementation and Clinical Implications. Prevention Science, 22(3), 269-283. doi: 10.1007/s11121-021-01211-0.

Valero-Aguayo L., Rodríguez-Bocanegra M., Ferro-García R., Ascanio-Velasco L. (2021). Meta-analysis of the Efficacy and Effectiveness of Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) for Child Behaviour Problems. Psicothema, 33(4), 544-555. doi: 10.7334/psicothema2021.70. PMID: 34668468.

About the presenters:

Kalee M. Gross, Psy.D., clinical psychology. Dr. Gross was previously a doctoral student at the University of Indianapolis. Her training has been generalized in presenting problems and ages; however, she received specialized training in working with children and adolescents. She further received training in Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) during her postdoctoral fellowship at the Boys Town Behavioral Health Clinic and became a PCIT-certified therapist. She has her sight set on becoming a PCIT within agency trainer. She also specializes in ACT, CBT, and DBT with youth and adults.

Program Notices:

Conflicts of Interest: None.

Commercial Support: None.

CE Credit: Two hours of CE credit is available for attendees who are present for the entire program. We ask that all participants return the post-program evaluation form at the conclusion of the program. Kalee Gross, Psy.D. and UCEBT have not received any commercial support for this program or its contents and will not receive any commercial support prior to or during this program. For additional information or if accommodations are needed, please contact Jennifer at or (801) 419-0139.

Accuracy, Utility, and Risks Statement:

This program discusses strategies for enhancing mental health outcomes in ethnically diverse communities based on current research. Presenters are not responsible for participants' application of misapplication of intervention strategies, nor patient outcomes for any participant. Presenters encourage further study and training.

If accommodations are needed, please contact Jennifer at or (801) 419-0139.

Event Information

Event Date 09-15-2023 11:00 am
Event End Date 09-15-2023 12:00 pm
Individual Price $20.00